Monday, October 15, 2007

Crib Building

Well, I finally made like a good daddy and got my "children" a new crib... that is, I bought a bar. As it is officially fall and the beginning of hibernation season I spent most of the weekend indoors. I had bought a large amount of fresh vegetables and spent a couple of hours preparing home-made stew (love the smell of it as it permeates the whole house). Then after dinner last night I poured a glass of Iron Horse Merlot (nothing exciting... middle of the road Merlot) and went to work building the crib. You know, it's funny, but it was one of the most enjoyable things I have done in quite a while. I actually built something. Granted, it wasn't complicated, but it was something I did on my own from beginning to end. And you know what, it doesn't look bad at all.

That frame you see laying on the top in the center is my first certificate towards being a sommelier! I passed the class with a perfect score. Next class is more difficult though, have to analyze 10 different pairings of wines. Oh, such difficult labors! * grin *

Anyway, the crib is a hit with the family. Here are some of my "kiddies" all nestled in their new beds (the other 50 will have to wait where they are for now):

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