Monday, October 13, 2008

Fairly Quiet Oktoberfest

Well, it didn't turn out like I had planned, but sometimes it is good to throw the plan away and just go with the flow. I had intended to have a group over to the house for a wine tasting and then go to Oktoberfest in OB. Sent out an invitation, saw that most people did actually view the invitation but for some strange reason most didn't even bother to reply to the RSVP. It's really frustrating and a total lack of courtesy and consideration, something that bothers me more than most things these days about how people are out here. I mean, I wouldn't have minded had people just said "No, have other plans" or if they said "Yes" but called to give their regrets about not coming (which I had to do on Sunday because I was on call and had problems to deal with during an event my beau and I were attend)... at least that is information. No news though it hard to work with.

So while the group was small we still had fun. The grill was flaring, wine was flowing and we just enjoyed sitting outside in the autumnal sun enjoying life. Our friend Sarah came over towards the end of the wine time and we all headed to the OB Pier area for Oktoberfest to find... a bunch of drunk straight people. Now that's not necessarily a bad thing but the limit on the size of the venue made the concentration a little tough to handle so after a quick beer we went over to The Vine for dinner and some more fellowship. It was quite fun and I got to build up some positive energy for the trip home.

Hugs to you who were there and thank you.

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