Monday, April 28, 2008


If I hear one more defense of Obama not being an elitist I think I will wretch. The arguments of the Democrats are so lacking in any logic that the mere fact people repeat it makes me want to suggest psychological counseling for them (or at least philosophical counseling). I saw three TV talk shows with three different Democrat pundits spouting the same two pieces of "evidence" to prove that Obama is not an elitist:

1. He was brought up by a single mother.
2. He is just now paying off his student loans.

Please, can anyone tell me what this has to do with being an elitist? Being an elitist has nothing to do with how many people reared you or how long it took you to pay off your college loans (perhaps had he not attended such elite schools he would have been out of hock sooner... or perhaps he should have taken a job that would have allowed him to meet his obligations in a more timely manner). Being an elite has everything to do with a sense of who you are compared with others, being "better" or superior to others. Take a look at what Merriam-Webster has to say about the definition of elite and then tell me how either of the aforementioned two points come into play on whether or not Obama is an elite. The man degraded a large number of folks in Pennsylvania on their beliefs, and please don't forget his backhanded statement on wearing a flag lapel pin (apparently only his definition of patriotism is true patriotism). When he isn't elitist he's patronizing.

I swear, the more I pay attention to this man I don't understand the magic.

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