Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cynical on Obama

This morning I was greeted with the yet another Obama/Wright story.
I'm sorry, but this really smells like an attempt by the Obama people to try to evade the fact that Obama sat under the teachings of a racist hatemonger masquerading as a minister of the Gospel. I can just see Obama's people talking with Wright saying "Barrack is really taking some heat. Go out and something that he can really denounce so he can say 'See, I disagree with my former pastor'." Is this too cynical? Watching Wright's interview I don't see so much more than what I saw in the released sermon videos. NOW Obama's "outraged"? NOW, just after the interview, he condemns the remarks? Let's get real... even the article says that Wright reiterated his charges against the United States. Of course, Obama uses his standard method of deflection of anything that could damage him... he called them divisive and said his supporters should just move on. Hopefully this story doesn't move on because it is just such things that provide insight into who Senator Obama really is. I mean, it's not like he really has legislative leadership or a voting record we can examine.

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