Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Living Babylon Five

Well, at least the opening to season four pretty much sums up my life in the first half of 2007:

"It was the year of fire... the year of destruction... the year we took back what was ours. It was the year of rebirth... the year of great sadness... the year of pain... and the year of joy. It was a new age. It was the end of history. It was the year everything changed. The year is 2261. The place: Babylon 5."

OK, so you have to change the year to 2007 and the place to San Diego, but the overall description remains correct. Lots of change... old things in my life purged as if by fire, old relationships destroyed, sadness over loss and my own actions leading up to that loss, pain in missing what I thought I could have had. And yet it has been a year in which I started to take back what is mine, reassert myself as an individual with my own desires, passions, and dreams. It was the rebirth of old friendships, a time of joy in discovering new friends and learning new things about myself. It has been the end of one history and yet the beginning of another. It has been the birth of a new age where I take control of my life because it is my life where I finally begin to understand me.

The series ended well, perhaps my life will mirror that too.

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