Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Estimated additional sales taxes...................$ 374
Estimated additional income taxes..................$ 634
Estimated additional VLF fees......................$ 50
Estimated additional gas taxes.....................$ 81
Estimated loss in dependent tax credits............$ 0
Total annual personal cost of proposed budget......$1,139

Lovely. The country is dropping further and further into hard times and those geniuses in Sacramento want to raise my taxes by an estimated $1,139 per year. To find your impact you can play the game here. Not even a tax credit for lubrication for this screwing we're about to get. If the Republicans cannot hold the line it's time to seriously rethink my allegiance to this party. There are ways out of the mess without forcing the hardworking citizens of this state to even more taxes. What's even worse, with the Obama money coming from the federal government they are not going to reduce the burden on the taxpayer but rather put even more spending into the budget.

Anyone outside of CA looking for a pretty damned good technical manager can just email me the offer directly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That's all I gotta say.
