Friday, December 19, 2008

Another Reason To Detest Elected Officials

As most of you know California is about to go over the financial waterfall into the abyss. Rather than face realities, what did the democrat majority conspire to do? The b*stards tried to call a tax a fee. That's right, they engaged in post-modern slight of hand. Why did they do this? In California, in order to increase a tax you need a 2/3 majority vote but with the current composition of the assembly they can't get it. They then realized that to increase a fee you need only a simple majority! With the swindler's mindset firmly in place here is how it went... they simply replaced a portion of the tax with a fee! Let's say you have a $1.00 tax. What they would do is say that they repeal 60 cents of this tax and replace it with a fee. Now to raise that "fee" they simply need a majority vote! So they put a .75% sales tax increase, er, fee increase, a 2.5% "surcharge" on income taxes, a fee on gasoline, a business fee, all to a vote and it passed in a straight party-line vote. Disgusting. All I can say is, thank God for the "Governator" who said he would not sign this package.

Evil... these people who supposedly represent the will of the people just try to find ways to circumvent the will of the people. Of course the greatest shame falls on the California voter for putting these jokers in power time and time again.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps related, there is an article in today's UT that says that the United States is alone in major western nations in refusing to sign a United Nations bill decriminalizing homosexuality. In certain states, apparently, employers and landlords can discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. Ayi, we are a first world nation with a third world mentality.
As for the taxes, we have been living at the expense of future generations for some time.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how that is related at all.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous #2-
OK, i just saw it in the paper and thought that it was outrageous. Complain to the Blogmeister. He posted it.