Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What Do You Get For 7 Trillion Dollars?

I heard this over the weekend but just in case you haven't, you're wonderful government has committed 7 TRILLION DOLLARS to clean up the mess (read about it here). Given that our current GDP is about $14.5 trillion, this means we've committed roughly half of everything produced this year, both goods and services, to this catastrophe!


But wait, there's more. As of November 19, 2008, the total U.S. federal debt was $10.6 trillion, about $37,316 for each U.S. resident. Of this amount, debt held by the public was roughly $6.3 trillion! Adding unfunded Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare, veterans' pensions, and similar obligations we come up with (drum roll please)...

$59.1 trillion, or $516,348 per household.

I want to see bodies. I want not only CEOs do the perp walk, but those f*cking people in DC to do time as well (there's enough blame to spread around, so the ranks of both Democrats and Republicans will be thinned)... and I want my money back. I want their salaries for the last 10 years paid back for allowing this crap to happen. I want them publicly shamed and humiliated.

God help us all.

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