Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Post Election

Well, Obama won. I hope he really is a Christian and that he spends time in prayer because he does not have the experience necessary to lead a country like this in times of crisis. Unlike some of the people who were against Obama, I do not think Obama is evil or a "bad man", I simply think he is wrong and that many of his ideas and proposed policies are, in the words of Sarkozy, "immature".

In a related story, Prop 8 passed so no marriage for me despite time, energy, and cash contributed to the cause. Why related? Well, a majority of the people that Obama pulled to the polls voted for Prop 8. All you pro-8/anti-Obama folks needs to send him a big ol' thanks, his people put the prop over the top.

In a perverse addition, Prop 4 failed so no adult notification for abortions on young women. Murder can continue without the counsel and notification of an adult. Just goes to show you the schizophrenia of California... homos get put in their (our) place but murder of the unborn misses this one small potential impediment.

Economically the wonderful people of this state voted even more debt. I have come to the realization that people here simply do not understand the concept of a bond. People, you have to pay for it. It is not free money.

So there you have it. Now the hard work comes...


Anonymous said...

I am very, very sorry about the passage of Prop 8. Although not a homosexual, I strongly believe that homosexuality is genetic and that the love between individuals and the right to express that love should be honored.
I just finished David Sedaris's book "Naked" which was so funny that I found myself waking up at night laughing, which is not usually the case. He has a chapter describing his first homosexual encounter that is both hilarious and tragic at the same time.
Anyway, I have decided that homosexuals are wired a little differently than the rest of us and should be given special consideration for their creativity. Other examples are Turing and Michelangelo.
I also think that tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality should be taught in schools, but that is just the thing that caused prop 8 to fly.
P.S. I also voted for Obama.

Mike Pape said...

Well I don't believe that tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality should be taught in schools, but rather I would have tolerance of everyone if not taught, at least have an environment where it is encouraged. I don't think we should be thought of as different groups that need to be treated as "other". This was the "conservative" principle that was ingrained in me from my "uneducated" parents. I don't put stock in race, ethnic, or gender groups but I try to view each person as an individual and I try to treat each individual in the way I want to be treated. Sometimes that means I won't necessarily like them or want to get to know them, but I don't do that with groups of people. The liberal mindset (as in contemporary liberal) wants to view us as distinct groups which to me just makes it more difficult to overcome that idea of "other" that I detest.

Anonymous said...

OK sourpuss, here is a joke for you.
This senator dies and goes to the pearly gates. St. Peter tells him that he has a choice of heaven or hell and he can check them out ahead of time. So, he goes down to hell and there are all of his friends playing golf, drinking champagne and having a great time. Then, he goes up to heaven, tries on the halo, flits from cloud to cloud, etc. Then he goes back to St. Peter. "Well, I had anticipated going to heaven, but hell was nicer and all of my friends were there, so I want to go there too".
Down he goes, but this time, everything has changed, his friends are slaving away in a sulpherous hellhole. The devil comes by and the senator asks what happened, why did things change. The devil says "That was the campaign, now you've voted."

Anonymous said...

It's a sad state when the voters care more about chicken, pregant pigs and veal calves than HUMAN RIGHTS!

* grr *


Anonymous said...

sorry about the use of the word 'tolerance'. Tolerance refers to something annoying that you have to put up with like other people's screaming children or underwear that rides up.