Monday, July 07, 2008

Blog Splitting

Well, I have finally decided to start another blog on a special topic that I have come to appreciate over the years. I will continue writing on this blog talking about politics, technology, culture, etc. so don't go away. What I have decided to do is write more on wine. Yes, there are hundreds if not thousands of blogs out there talking about wine but this one will be different, it will be mine. This blog will not be written from the view point of a professional wine person or of someone to whom money is no object or to play the part of "wine snob" and try to show off what (little) I know about wine. This will truly be the work of an amateur, someone who does something because they like it.


Anonymous said...

So what do have against beer anyway?
Not enough culture for you?
My problem with wine is that after one glass, I'm passed out on the sofa.

Mike Pape said...

Have against beer? Nothing really other than that little bloated feeling it gives me. From time-to-time I will write about beer as well as other drinks that I find interesting.

Anonymous said...

The beer man and the wine guy
Decided to head to head
Pint for pint, Ounce for ounce
Matching stout with white and red.

So they drank and drank
on through the night.
Til the stout was out, the wine was dry
And things began to get tight.

But wait, I have another brew
refreshing, clear and clean.
The wine man took two sips and then
his face began to turn green.

He gasped and moaned and then he cried
"Heavens, I never felt iller".
"What's wrong with you my good man.
It's only just a Miller."