Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Silly Democrats

I was shocked, amazed, stunned... the party of compassion and openness (as the Democrats like to pompously trumpet to the world) could be done in by that old bugaboo, race. Imagine my surprise when I read this article about the spat between those two paragons of "change" who claim to represent "new ways of thinking", Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. First of all, Obama's rejoinder to Clinton's remarks about Obama raising false hope doesn't really address what she was saying. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a Hillary supporter at all, but I clearly think that she was attacked out of context because what she said about Senator Obama has at least some ring of truth to it. And I am sure that her response about LBJ was not intended to diminish the work of MLK. The whole reaction stunned me until my sensible conservative mind took over and reminded me that this is what happens when you turn politics into pandering to special interest groups. And let's face it, the Republicans have their own problems with interest groups (look at the extreme religious right trying to bully the others in the old fusionist coalition), but what happened between Hil and Barack looks down right silly in comparison to what could be taken on the Republican side as actual ideological differences. The scary part is, if the Democrats control everything are we all going to have to watch what we say about or to anyone with whom we disagree? Are we witnessing the death of free speech?

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