Monday, September 17, 2007

The Adventures of Erwin and Michael, Part One

Vacation this year is domestic. I finally decided to do the responsible *groan* thing and take the lions share of my bonus and pay off debt. I was so fortunate when my friend Erwin had talked about taking a vacation to SoCal and scope things out for a possible move. I offered to share my place with him and take him on a bit of a tour to which he readily agreed, so the wheels were set in motion. I've known Erwin for about 12 years now and except for a time where I was a jackass (long story) we have kept in regular touch. Erwin and I share many things including musicals and wine (among others of a less public nature *grin*) and I immediately bought tickets for the San Diego production of Chicago with George Hamilton playing the lawyer Billy Flynn. Since San Diego was a bit limiting for the entire trip I had persuaded Erwin (with little arm twisting)to go wine tasting along the Central Coast and then spend the night in LA to see Wicked.

Erwin arrived Friday and we went to dinner at a local landmark, Nati's and then a quick walk around along Newport and the beach. The next morning we started the city tour and met up with a friend of his, Mel, who is in the navy and stationed here.

After a long, fun lunch at Gordon Biersch, we continued our little tour of SD and then headed home to prep for dinner and play. Being San Diego, dress was NOT formal (Oscar popped his head up and did the expected "tisk, tisk" but did ask for the Playbill from the production). We went downtown about 6pm and had a small pre-play bite at Ra Sushi (touch pricey for sushi but LOVE their Spider Monkey roll). It was then off to the musical where we had a blast. Overall the production was quite good (and whoever made the dancers' costumes deserves some award for most revealing without revealing all on both male and female dancers). I thought Mr. Hamilton kinda walked through his part but hey, George Hamilton playing Billy Flynn is just George Hamilton playing George Hamilton. All-in-all a great night out. For a little taste, check out this clip from the Tony awards for Chicago.

We arrived back home a little after 11 and got some giddy-nerves sleep in anticipation of the next leg of the vacation, wine tasting in my personal favorite area of the state. More on that next time, but just let me say that Brander's 2006 Merlot is kick ass!.

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