Saturday, January 10, 2009

Obama's Magic Numbers

Now while I have a few things to quibble about with Obama's economic plan, one thing I find fascinating is how over the matter of a couple of weeks the purported number of jobs it would create has jumped from 2.5 million to 3 million to 4.1 million. Wow! Of course, these numbers come from his own economic council. How nice it would be to live in a world where the president could miraculously create jobs at this rate. Of course, what else can we expect from this one?

Still, one hopes for the best. I just wish he and his followers didn't try to make it out like his bowel movements produce gold. That makes him and his no better than the current fanatics in power.


Anonymous said...


Don't worry, the people with these jobs will be paid with the new monies that the mint will keep printing until the economy gets back on track.

To be honest, even though I voted for the guy, he has me scared spitless. I see rampant inflation on the horizon.

Mike Pape said...

LOL The bowl movement comment referred to the Obama worshipers who seem to think he is the answer to the woes of the world.

As a tax payer I have to worry about all the people paid through taxes. I take home less than 50% of my income when all taxes are added up and that makes me angry. The past few years that anger has found targets on both sides of the aisle. These days I keep hearing my old econ teacher in high school (who was also my history teacher) faintly saying "Remember the Weimar Republic."