Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Open Plea to John McCain

PLEASE, OH PLEASE, OH PLEASE Senator McCain pick someone with some administrative skills for your running mate. The thoughts of an all legislative race fills me with terrible dread. Pick someone who has actually lead and done something creative and meaningful with their time on this planet. Obama blew his choice, please do not make the same mistake.




Anonymous said...

Romney, perhaps?

Anonymous said...


A pick just because someone is a women, thinking that women will vote for them is an insult to women voters. Mondale tried it once and it failed, I expect it will fail this time too.


Mike Pape said...

LOL Just emailed you about this. On the plus side she has administrative experience (mayor and then governor) and whereas Barack wants to be called a reformer she has a record of being one (short, but it is there). On the negative side, yes it does look like a pandering pick but what I am more worried about is her short track record. This will (to me) undercut McCain's "He ain't ready to be prez" message since the VP is supposed to be the person to step in if something happens to the commander in chief.